Mac Blagick

September 23, 2010 at 4:49 pm

Mac BlagickIf someone would play Mac Blagick to me and then claim that they were one of the pioneering bands from the beginning of the seventies that set the foundations for hard rock, I probably would have bought it. I would wonder, though, how a great band like this could have escaped my odysseys, hunting for great bands of that era.

Mac Blagick really radiates retro from those days, from the sound, from the songwriting and from the excellent vocals. They move between songs that remind me of a heavier Cream to others that take a big step into the seventies’ hard rock but with an older sound.

This year they released their second album “Ramadawn” and they are now underway with recording their third. You can visit them on Myspace. Here are two songs from “Ramadawn”:

Queen of the Night
