Stefan Klaverdal – “Evocations”

November 6, 2014 at 3:31 pm

Stefan Klaverdal

I wrote about Stefan Klaverdal and his interesting blend of classical music and electronica last year. Earlier this Autumn he realeased another album “Evocations”. Again it’s about this mix of beautiful stings and ambient components, where the electronic parts range from being subtle ingredients to being the main course of the song. It’s fascinating to listen through his album as it changes from beautiful melodic songs to pure ambience to more experimental songs where you can feel the friction. It’s of course quite personal how you will experience this music, but to me it gives me a sensation of a shifting Autumn, emphasized also by a slight melancholic tone and a richness of colours in the music. Here are two songs:

Stefan Klaverdals site – on Spotify – on Wimp
