sink \ sink – “a lone cloudburst”

October 30, 2013 at 5:30 pm

sink \ sink

sink \ sink is a project started by the musician Gareth Schott, hailing from New Zeeland. Planning the new album “a lone cloudburst” he asked Ylva Krantz, hailing from Stockholm, to become a part of the project, which resulted in Ylva supplying lyrics and vocals to the music, sometimes in English and sometimes in Swedish.

The music balances on the border between the pure ambient music and melodic songs. It’s calm and beautiful, dreamy, at times a bit spooky or suggestive where Ylva’s voice comes sweeping in  like a light breeze in an enchanted forest, creating movement. It’s an interesting and to a large part organic sound, which takes hold of me more and more each time I listen, like if I get stuck in cobweb.

sink \ sink on Facebookon Bandcamp

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