Johan “John-John” Paulson

August 22, 2008 at 12:00 pm

Johan Paulson, or John-John as he calls himself, is a fantastic person in many ways. Musically he is found, among other places, as a former member of the Swedish grunge band Icke Lika Med, he has played with Håkan Hellström and performed at “Allsång på Skansen” (an extremely popular music show on Swedish TV) with his father, Mats Paulson!
It is now time for his own solo project under his own name and his own record company De las mercedes recordings with experimental, electronica/ambient songs.

To listen to the songs is like talking to or meeting Johan, it calms you down, and provides a comfortable feeling of love and warmth.

Now, here’s your chance to meet Johan, through his music. Here are three downloadable songs, and you can find much more on his web sites.

Season of Hope
Goodnight Theme

Visit Johan:
De las Mercedes Recordings on Myspace
Johan on Myspace


(translated by Clint Hell)

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