
June 10, 2010 at 11:35 pm


Today I’ll present a new colleague here on Meadowmusic, Thomas Nävsjö. First up for him is Steget:

My first post here concerns Steget, the duo from Gothenburg, who on their latest album “Förändrar Allting” create beautiful, stylistically pure piano pop filled with emotions. The voice  of Mathilda Sjöström is wonderfully accompanied by the piano of Nils Dahl and with the ballad “Jag Skulle Dö För Dig” they have come up with a duet that touches me in a way no other has since Ratata/Frida or Peter Gabriel/Kate Bush back in the eighties.

You’ll find Steget on Myspace and the entire album is available on Spotify. Here’s “Baby Baby Baby” from the album:

Baby Baby Baby
