Billy Momo – “Drunktalk” – album
Heres a taste of Billy Momo’s second album “Drunktalk” which was released during Spring. The duo Tomas Juto and Oskar Hovell serve us 15 songs, starting with the splendid “I’ve Got You” that was featured here in the Autumn. The main ingredients are pop, blues and american folk, but that doesn’t stop them from adding some spices from for example Motown or Balkan folk. All in all it’s quite a tasteful, varied menu that leaves me with a laidback feeling embedded in a certain melancholy, whether this is siphoned from the folk layers or from the blues tones. An accomplished album with it’s very own personality. Here are three tracks from the record:
Billy Momo’s site – on Facebook – on Spotify – on Wimp