From the lighter tones earlier today we now move to darker ones. Teenage anxiety for 30-year-olds, or a sad and introvert, dark post punk with pop vibes in Swedish, the duo Korset writes about their music.
The producer Tobias Westerberg and the singer and songwriter Peter Weicht in Korset have played together in various projects since 15 years back. Now they decided at first to create an angry, socially conscious industry project á la Nine Inch Nails, but this soon gave way for their own language and Swedish melancholy. This Spring they have released the EP “exorcisten” (“the exorcist”), an EP full of melancholy, dark beautiful melodies and punk distorted blackness.
About the band name Peter writes:
It sounds good. Symbolically it also seems to add an extra dimension to the music. Like standing in the shadow of something big that keeps judging you. But also, the stillness, the hopelessness and death.
(transl. from Swedish)
Follow the band on their blog and listen to the EP on Bandcamp.
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