Immunförsvaret – “Svartvattnet”

July 6, 2015 at 3:59 pm


Immunförsvaret consists of David Björkén and Oskar Dahlberg, two musicians with their roots in Luleå who have played together in several other bands before. During Spring they have started to release singles, aiming för a debut album. “Svartvattnet” is the third single, which is presented in this entertaining (and ominous) video. This is a perfect combination of roots music and clenched fists from the north of Sweden.

Immunförsvaret on Facebookon Spotifyon Apple Music

Mårten Lärka – “Je Suis Un Rocker”

April 7, 2015 at 1:46 pm

Mårten Lärka

Mårten Lärka surprises us by releasing an album in French in the beginning of May. He has named the album “Alouette” and the first taste is called “Je Suis Un Rocker”, a title which even I understand. It sounds folk rock and the sixties, Dylan’s mid-sixties production comes to to mind, and it all gets a wonderful, distinct colour from the french lyrics. The music is composed by Mårten himself, while the lyrics are co-written with Algerian Hamid Khodja. Listen here:

Mårten Lärkas site – on Facebook – on Spotify

Ash & Iron – “Wolves”

March 31, 2015 at 3:03 pm

Ash & Iron

“Wolves” is the name of the debut single from “Ash & Iron”, a project started by the Malmö musician John Berneli. By his side you find the drummer Petter Bengtsson (Case Conrad) and the idea is to eventually build a band around the two of them. The music sounds of Americana, or folk rock, with a dreamy shimmer over the sound and a touch of epic storytelling.

Ash & Iron’s site – on Facebookon Spotify

Brothers Among Wera

January 28, 2015 at 5:06 pm

Brothers Among Wera

Here’s a new interesting acqaintance in the shape of the band Brothers Among Wera. On the 16th of February they are releasing the single “Mammoth” and right after that, their first full length album. They want to attract our attention with these beautiful harmonies in the song “All That We Don’t Have” from a live recording, but I’d like to add the brilliant single “Silence” from the Autumn as well, with its lovely mix of pop, Americana and nice 70’s-sounding bluesrock escapades. If you want to listen more to the band you can also listen to their debut EP from last year.

Brothers Among Vera on Facebookon Spotifyon Wimp

Boufa Boufa – “Canadian Brother”

January 20, 2014 at 3:46 pm

Boufa Boufa

Here’s the debut single from the band Boufa Boufa, hailing from Hudiksvall, “Canadian Brother”, a catchy tune that breathes folk and indie and which makes me think of The Alarm. Obviously they have finished a new EP which will be released any day now.

Boufa Boufa on Facebookon Spotifyon Wimpon Rara

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