The Tarantula Waltz – “Lynx EP”

June 4, 2015 at 6:02 pm

The Tarantula Waltz

The Tarantula Waltz, aka Markus Svensson, released the EP “Lynx” a couple of weeks ago. He serves us four tracks with uplifting folk-based singer/songwriter-music. It’s intimate, close, and Markus’ passionate, warm vocals sweeps across the beautiful melodies backed by gentle, dynamic arrangements with inspired finger-picking, subdued piano harmonies and shimmering pads in the background.

The sound has an earthy luster, maybe echoing the environments around Gagnef in Dalarna where he recorded the album together with Kristian Matsson (aka The Tallest Man On Earth). There are four strong songs, each one with its own character. They grow with each time I listen, but I have to admit that I was immediately caught by the immensely beautiful “The Leaning Apple Tree” where he closes in on Damien Rice’s heights. Taste two of the songs here below.

The Tarantula Waltz’ site – on Facebookon Spotify

The Don Darlings – “Electronic Man/Quicksand”

May 11, 2015 at 2:35 pm

The Don Darlings

Here’s a new single with two songs from The Don Darlings, hailing from Göteborg. “Electronic Man” is a heavy, dark, groovy Americana track, while “Quicksand” slows things down in a black, ominous, but dazzingly beautiful ballad. Compared to their excellent eponymous album last year, they have now moved into a larger postpunk-vibing room with a grand sound, a room which they seem to master completely, and which gives Damon “The Reverend” Collums dark vocals even more space to preach in.

The Don Darling’s on Facebookon Spotifyon Wimp

Little Children – “Song #4”

April 30, 2015 at 10:26 am

Little Children

Here’s a new single from Little Children, “Song #4”, a song that precedes the new EP “Traveling Through Darkness” which will be released on the 2nd of June. It’s a beautifully sad story with a fateful, filmic ambience where we ride across the prairie on our bikes towards the sunset.

Little Children’s site – on Facebook – on Spotify – on Wimp

Ash & Iron – “Wolves”

March 31, 2015 at 3:03 pm

Ash & Iron

“Wolves” is the name of the debut single from “Ash & Iron”, a project started by the Malmö musician John Berneli. By his side you find the drummer Petter Bengtsson (Case Conrad) and the idea is to eventually build a band around the two of them. The music sounds of Americana, or folk rock, with a dreamy shimmer over the sound and a touch of epic storytelling.

Ash & Iron’s site – on Facebookon Spotify

The Mondanes – “Freeze Out” – EP

February 25, 2015 at 1:57 pm

The Mondanes

About a year ago I presented the band The Mondanes, hailing from Göteborg, performing their song “Silver Spoon” in an acoustic session. Now they have produced some studio tracks also and present them on the new EP “Freeze Out”; five tracks with an enjoyable mix of Americana an indiepop. It all starts a bit cautiously with the song “Atlantic Sea” which never really takes off and then “Out On a Limb” which certainly picks up the pace but lacks luster and energy enough to make me get carried away. The three remaining songs, though, more than compensate for the start. Here’s life, warmth, passion and the band is glowing. “Silver Spoon”, which makes me think of the Byrds, is lifted even higher compared with the acoustic session and is full of personality, tension and sensitivity. “Jenny Say (Why Did You Move Away)” is top notch uplifting indiepop which probable will make Jenny move back home right away, and the finishing song “Violet Gun”, maybe the best song, is a tastefully dynamic indie with a sticky chorus. Here are two of the songs:

The Mondanes on Facebookon Spotifyon Soundcloud

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