One thousand posts

March 4, 2013 at 7:26 pm

Meadowmusic logoThis is actually post number one thousand here on Meadowmusic, since the start in June 2008. A non-event really, just a number like any other number, but for me personally it bears some weight to it; it means that I have produced quite a bit of content. Well, not only me, from time to time I have had help from other writers in some posts, the latest being the series “Artist’s Story” where the artists themselves present their story, a series I hope will continue with more interesting posts in the future.

A lot of things have happened since the start of this blog, so of course I’ll have to ask myself if the blog is needed anymore, if it’s worth all the hours that I put in it? During these years more and more channels for new music have been created, which of course is wonderful: Spotify and similar services have grown up, Facebook music sharing is bigger than ever and the mobile phones have taken over a large part of our time online, to name a few changes.

If I take a look at the visitor statistics, subscriptions and other numbers, it’s quite clear, though: the interest for the posts here is constantly increasing. I seldom receive comments, but people are sharing, liking, tweeting, blogging and quoting the posts, so apparently there’s still some room for this blog in a music world that is growing and growing.
I’m not going to promise another thousand posts; maybe there will be, we’ll see; but I’ll keep on for now with my small contribution in presenting what I think is great Swedish music.

